Severe Cough with Chest Pain May Be Sign of Bronchitis

Severe Cough with Chest Pain May Be Sign of Bronchitis

Cough with chest pain continuously in some extended times may be sign of bronchitis. Bronchitis is an inflammation of bronchial tubes that can spread to the lungs. The symptom is usually severe cough, chest pain and also back pain. It is regularly cleared up in few days but when you find your condition is getting worse, it can lead to the pneumonia.
Severe Cough with Chest Pain May Be Sign of Bronchitis

What causes bronchitis?

In some cases, a common cold that happen to some people can also lead to the bronchitis. However, the bad air pollution such as cigarette smoke or chemicals can either lead you to have acute bronchitis.

Acute Bronchitis

the symptoms can include a cough and sore throat as well that perhaps produces the mucus. Sometimes, patients will also have chest tightness and shortness in breathing that can result the back pain.

Chronic Bronchitis

In case that the patients have the symptoms of acute bronchitis for three months or even more, chronic bronchitis is going to be diagnostic. Some of the symptoms of chronic bronchitis are chest tightness and difficult to breath in the morning.


some antibiotics can treat the infection of the bronchial tubes. Drink some plenty of fluids and take enough rest can be good prescribing. The medicine for cough can only be taken when your rest is bothered by cough with chest pain.

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