3 Ways to Lose Fever Chest Congestion Cough Naturally

Fever chest congestion cough can even make you hard to breath. It is such a scaring thing when you cannot breath normally moreover when your lungs are straining for air. We are going to share 5 ways to loosen your fever chest congestion naturally.
  3 Ways to Lose Fever Chest Congestion Cough Naturally
Fever chest congestion cough

First, you need to drink plenty of fluids. It will help in intake the thin mucus which causes congestion. If you find the mucus is thinner and looser, your body can take it out easily.

Second, drink water with lemon juice inside it. The acid in the lemon will help to cut through phlegm. Try to have plain hot water with some splashes of lemon juice. It is going to be better to have it with no sugar. Another great idea is hot tea with lemon.

Third, prepare hot water in a bottle and then put it in your chest. Make sure you have something between the hot water and your chest since it will burn your skin. The hot water is going to relax your muscles while the heat will help in loosening the congestion.

One thing you should remember when having chest congestion cough is staying away from the sources of smoke as it can make worst your fever chest congestion cough.

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