Some Sign of Cough Chest Tightness

Some Sign of Cough Chest Tightness

Cough chest tightness is often creates uncomfortable feeling and painful. Cough chest tightness is commonly a sign of an infection. Chest infection often occurs in during the winter season. Some symptoms of chest tightness are usually disturbed sleeping and difficulty in breathing.

Some Sign of Cough Chest Tightness


Chest tightness is generally followed by some signs. First sign is cough that produces expulsion of phlegm from the lungs, second is fever, since chest tightness can be caused by infection. The other signs are swelled tongue, labored breathing and general fatigue.


the general cause of chest tightness is infection. Infection can occur in the lungs during a flu or cold. Bronchitis is the common problem towards the end of the cold. And your chest tightness can even become more painful. Notice that your chest tightness does not get better in two weeks, it might be serious problem so you need to see your doctor soon.


you can take some home remedies to treat the chest tightness such as drinking much water and take enough rest. You can also rub your chest with peppermint or eucalyptus oil to ease the tightness. Even, many times your infection will pass. You may still need an antibiotic. Pain killer and cough mixture may help much in treat cough chest tightness.

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