Cough From Cold

Cough From Cold

A cough medicine or cough and cold medicine, also known as cough syrup or linctus when in syrup form, is a medicinal drug used in those with coughing and related NATIONAL BRAND COMPARISON ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S) FLAVOR PRODUCT IMAGE; ROBITUSSIN® Original: Guaifenesin 200 mg: Unflavored: ROBITUSSIN® Peak Cold Multi-Symptom Cold CFSneezing, sore throat, a stuffy nose, coughing -- everyone knows the symptoms of the common cold. It is probably the most common illness. In the course of MedShopExpress stocks leading brands of cold and cough remedies as well as generics that can save you money.Here's guidance for treating your baby's cold, cough, or flu. Plus, we'll help you decide when to call the doctor.How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season.Read about chronic cough causes such as medications GERD, postnasal drip, rhinitis, asthma, sinus infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, and smoking. Symptoms, diagnosis Q: My 2 year old baby boy has had a cough and cold for the past week – 10 days. My doctor has prescribed Triatussic syrup. He has a bit of throat infection and had Find helpful information on controlling coughs, cold & flu symptom relief, and more in the Cough & Cold Center from Robitussin®.Chugging cough medicine for an instant high isn't a new practice for teens, who have raided the medicine cabinet for a quick, cheap, and legal high for decades.

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