Can Coughing Cause Chest Pain
Can Coughing Cause Chest Pain thanks i have been having a chest pain and thru my underarm since early this morning, i am scared it could be a heart attack then again i have experienced this pain Causes of Chest Pain Coughing. Most diseases that affect the respiratory passages may result in coughing and chest pain. This may be due to inflammation of the airway I am so happy to be reading this. I have had chest pain/pressure for almost a year. I have had all the same tests with everything coming back normal.If you have chest pain, you must decide whether to seek emergency help, then your doctor will need to efficiently evaluate its underlying cause.Chest pains may occur in some people after drinking caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant drug that affects the central nervous system and helps you feel more Return To Guide On: Chest Pain in Women. Introduction. The causes of chest pain can be divided into 2 two major categories: (1) Those caused by heart problems and (2 Heart or blood vessel pr...